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How to Add a New Enterprise Linux Series

Throughout this document, we will refer to the new Enterprise Linux series as ELX, and the previous EL series as ELX.OLD. For example, if we are adding el9, then ELX refers to el9, and ELX.OLD refers to el8.

This document explains how to add support for a new ELX series to an existing OSG series. For adding a new OSG series, see the New Release Series documentation.

See the documentation in the OSG Technology/Software and Release/Infrastructure Google Drive folder for details on the infrastructure.

Prepare Koji and OSG-Build

  • Add ELX Koji tags and targets

  • Add Koji package signing, as necessary

    • With any luck, you can use the existing RPM signing key for the OSG series to which you are adding the new EL series.

      If it turns out that you need to create a new RPM signing key for ELX (because reusing the one for the current OSG series doesn't work in ELX for some unexpected reason), then you will need to generate a new key in the keyring for the Koji sign plugin, and save it (encrypted) in the Koji Ansible config. See Infrastructure Google Drive folder for details.

      Either way, you will need to make modifications to the osg-services repo, [email protected]:osg-services.git, so get a checkout of that ready.

      $ ssh
      $ git clone [email protected]:osg-services.git
      $ cd osg-services
    • If you are adding a new RPM signing key, you need to edit koji/roles/signplugin/vars/main.yml to add the key name, password, and list of tags the key should be used for; and koji/roles/signplugin/templates/sign.conf.j2 to add template code for generating the sign.conf config blocks for those tags.

    • If you are using the existing RPM signing key for the OSG series, you only need to edit koji/roles/signplugin/vars/main.yml.

      Find the tags section for your current signing key, eg, osg3_build_tags, and add all ELX build tags to this section. Eg, for el9 to OSG 3.6:

        - dist-el9-build
        - osg-el9-internal-build
        - osg-3.6-el9-build
        - osg-3.6-upcoming-el9-build
    • Apply the Koji Ansible config on the Koji Hub host.

      # ssh
      # git clone [email protected]:osg-services.git
      $ cd ~/osg-services/koji
      $ ansible-playbook -K -c local -l $(hostname -f) --ask-vault-pass --check --diff secure.yml
      # If the above looks good, run again without --check to apply for real
      $ ansible-playbook -K -c local -l $(hostname -f) --ask-vault-pass --diff secure.yml
      # -K = prompt you for sudo password (BECOME password)
      # -c local = use the "local" connection method
      # -l $(hostname -f) = apply the changes to the current machine only
      # --ask-vault-pass = prompt you for the ansible-vault pw
      # --check = dry-run mode
      # --diff = show the diffs of any file changes it (would) make
      # secure.yml = the "playbook" of changes to apply
    • If you are adding a new RPM signing key, export the ASCII-armored public key as RPM-GPG-OSG-KEY-OSG-<N> (where <N> is the previous key's number incremented by one), and add it to the osg-release RPM.

    • In the script ensure that the logic for selecting the GPGKEY includes the correct behavior for the new ELX to reference the latest key file.

  • Update osg-build to add the new ELX to the various dvers in python scripts, and extra_dvers in promoter.ini; and add the new ELX tags and targets to the test scripts. See the Git commits on opensciencegrid/osg-build for SOFTWARE-5342 for details on how to do this. Use this version of osg-build for subsequent steps.

Subsequent Steps

This section is incomplete.

But for starters, begin with the Build prerequisite packages section of the New Release Series documentation.

In general, you will not have to repeat steps for creating a new osg-3.Y series, but you will have to create a new buildsys-macros.elX package for the new EL9 series.

Good luck.